Bringing together evidence, policy and practice to reduce alcohol harm
IAS response to ‘Alcohol and late night refreshment licensing statistics’ consultation
IAS response to the Relationships education, relationships and sex education, and health education: Department for Education consultation
IAS Budget 2018 analysis
IAS response to the Science and Technology Committee (Commons) inquiry into the consumption of energy drinks
Fit to fly? Summary report of the policy debate on alcohol and air travel
The incidence of drunk and disruptive passengers on flights is increasing, having risen significantly since 2013. This puts the safety and welfare of passengers and...
IAS response to draft London Food Strategy
IAS response to Home Affairs Select Committee Domestic Abuse Inquiry
IAS response to Sexual harassment of women and girls in public places
Families First: An evidence-based approach to protecting UK families from alcohol-related harm
Many people in the UK have an unhealthy relationship with alcohol; it is estimated that there are 595,000 adults with alcohol dependence in England. As...
IAS response to transforming the response to domestic abuse consultation
Brexit battlegrounds: Where are public health and the alcohol industry likely to clash in the years ahead?
There remains significant uncertainty over what Britain’s exit from the EU means for alcohol policy. Thus far public health groups have made proposals in four...
IAS response to web consultation on WHO Independent High-Level Commission on NCDs draft report
IAS response to Department of Health and Social Care – A Consultation on Low Alcohol Descriptors
Alcohol and mental health: Policy and practice in England
Many people who misuse alcohol also have a mental health difficulty, and many people with mental health problems also misuse alcohol. Yet few get effective...
IAS response to the impact of social media and screen-use on young people’s health inquiry
The economic impact of changes in alcohol consumption in the UK
The alcohol industry (both manufacturing and sales) is important to the UK Economy as it supports thousands of jobs. However, there are many well documented...
Women and alcohol: Key issues
Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems (SHAAP) and IAS co-hosted a four-part seminar series to discuss issues relating to women and alcohol. The events were...
The rising affordability of alcohol
IAS response to Night Time Commission Consultation Submission
IAS response to Consultation: Public Health (Minimum Price for Alcohol) (Wales) Bill
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