Bringing together evidence, policy and practice to reduce alcohol harm
The alcohol industry: Social and political activities
Summary As well as making and selling alcohol, many participants in the alcohol industry seek to influence politics and society in different ways. This factsheet...
The alcohol industry: an overview
Summary Introduction This briefing provides the following overview of the alcohol industry: What is the alcohol industry? The alcohol industry can be defined in different...
Alcohol-related accidents and injuries
Summary Introduction Alcohol-related health harm is not just limited to chronic disease or physical illness. The presence of alcohol in the body has also been...
How alcohol morbidity and morbidity rates are calculated in the UK
Summary Introduction Within the United Kingdom, data on alcohol-related mortality and morbidity are compiled by the health statistics divisions of separate agencies for England, Wales,...
The physical and mental health effects of alcohol
Summary Introduction Alcohol affects health in a variety of ways; virtually every system of the human body can be damaged by its harmful consumption. The...
Measure for measure: calculating alcohol consumption
Summary Introduction Data on alcohol consumption is usually calculated by the self-reported drinking habits of randomly selected respondents in surveys, or by collated receipts of...
A brief history of the UK’s low risk drinking guidelines
Summary Introduction The current low risk drinking guidelines were introduced in 2016, the product of an inquiry initiated by the House of Commons Science and...
Licensing in practice: the availability of alcohol in UK society
Summary Introduction The legal availability of alcohol is generally accepted to be one of the main controls on levels of alcohol consumption and harm. Licensing...
Licensing law
Summary Introduction Licensing laws control where, when and to whom alcohol can be sold or supplied. Licensing is governed by the Licensing Act 2003 in...
Alcohol and Marketing
Alcohol marketing includes advertising in traditional media outlets such as print, television and radio, promotional activities in online and social media, and sponsorship of sporting...
Minimum pricing of alcohol
Summary Introduction In recent years, minimum alcohol pricing has attracted substantial attention in a number of countries. Minimum pricing is not a tax, but rather...
A brief history of alcohol duty
Summary Introduction Governments have levied taxes on alcohol for centuries, and today the vast majority of countries apply specific excise duties to at least some...
Patterns in alcohol-related violence: exploring recent declines in alcohol-related violence in England and Wales
Figures from the UK Office for National Statistics (2021a) suggest that alcohol-related violence in England and Wales has been declining – both as a total...
IAS response to consultation on Late Night Levy Fees
Alcohol in the workplace
Summary Introduction Official statistics show that employed people are more likely to drink heavily than unemployed people [1], and that the proportion of workers drinking...
Spring Budget 2023 – IAS submission
People, Planet, or Profit: alcohol’s impact on a sustainable future
Alcohol has rarely been considered from a sustainability angle. Between 2021 and 2022, we ran a four-part webinar series on ‘Alcohol and Sustainability’, with expert...
Corporate Political Activity of the Alcohol and Gambling Industries
Background There is growing evidence that unhealthy commodity industries (UCIs) use the same strategies to influence policy decisions in line with their commercial interests. For...
IAS response to consultation on the Redesign of the Crime Survey for England and Wales
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