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Many people in the UK have an unhealthy relationship with alcohol; it is estimated that there are 595,000 adults with alcohol dependence in England. As well as harming individuals, this can also harm children and families. As of 2014/15 it was estimated that in England 189,119 children were living with at least one alcohol dependent adult and between 14,390 and 32,887 children were living with two alcohol-dependent adults. It has been estimated that 4% of children live with a parent who is both a problem drinker and a drug user. In Scotland, up to 51,000 children are estimated to be living with a parent or carer with an alcohol problem.
The pattern of alcohol consumption is also changing, with 65% of alcohol in England and 73% of alcohol in Scotland being sold through the off-trade (supermarkets and other off-licences). The move towards drinking in the home or in other private settings means more children and other family members are exposed to adults drinking and thus the potential harms discussed in this report.
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