Rise in Alcohol-related Deaths Levelling out
New figures released by the Office for National Statistics
show that the number of alcohol-related deaths was slightly lower in
2007 than 2006, but at 13.3 per 100,000 people, is still almost twice
what it was in 1991 (6.9 per 100,000 people).
Men are much more likely to die from alcohol than women;
in 2007 there were 5,732 alcohol-related deaths in men (18.1 per
100,000) and 2,992 in women (8.7 per 100,000). Whilst this has not
essentially changed since 1991, the increase in deaths has been greater
for men than for women.
Data from HM Revenue and Customs show that over the same
period, sales of alcohol in the UK have shown a similar trend.
Consumption per person rose until 2004/05 before falling by approx. 5%
over the following two years, then rising again in 2007/08.
The data for alcohol-related deaths are available on the National Statistics website. .
See also:
The Health Profile of England (HPoE) 2008, (pdf 2.8mb), which provides national and regional data on areas other than alcohol.