14:00-15:00, Tuesday 14 November 2023
As part of IAS’s Small Grants Scheme, Dr Lisa Schölin and Rachel Arkell analysed discussions taking place on Mumsnet about topics relating to alcohol and pregnancy. They looked at how these topics were discussed and how the risk of exposure to alcohol during pregnancy was framed by forum users.
Join our webinar to hear the findings from Lisa and Rachel, including how people posting on Mumsnet discussed evidence of alcohol and pregnancy, the NHS guidelines, deferring to professional advice, understanding of risk, and the social norms and expectations displayed.
This event is for public health professionals, researchers, healthcare workers, civil servants, NGOs, health agencies etc. If you or your organisation receives funding from the alcohol industry (alcohol producers, retailers, trade associations, Social Aspect Public Relations Organisations (SAPROs), & Business-Interest NGOs) please do not attend.
14:00-14:10: Introduction from Dr Gillian Shorter
14:10-14:40: Lisa and Rachel’s presentation
14:40-15:00: Q&A session facilitated by Dr Shorter