The Greater London Authority with the London Drug and Alcohol Policy Forum and other partners, has been working to support local agencies to achieve a greater understanding of the impacts of London’s night time economy on alcohol related issues.
Last autumn a third London forum for alcohol practitioners was held on the theme of Managing the Night Time Economy. The purpose of this event was to identify good practice and to look at the potential impact of proposed changes to the Licensing Act. This event was attended by well over 70 practitioners representing a wide range of professions and sectors, including London borough licensing teams, police and the National Health Service and voluntary sectors.
The forum identified the need for guidance to help promote effective local approaches to dealing with alcohol related problems. Drawing on the proceedings of this forum, guidance has been produced based on different approaches that are being taken to reduce alcohol related harm, protect health and reduce crime and antisocial behaviour linked to urban centre night life.
The publications are:
Tackling Alcohol Problems in the Night Time Economy – guidance for local areas. (pdf 459kb)
Alcohol Consumption in the Night Time Economy (GLAECONOMICS working paper 55). (pdf 420kb)
Alcohol pros and Cons in Night Time Economy. (pdf 269kb)