The IAS has joined forces with over 100 NGOs around the world to sign a statement of concern about conflicts of interest between the commercial sector and public health policy objectives.
The statement, which will be sent to the President of the UN ahead of the Civil Society Interactive Hearing in New York and UN High Level Meeting in September, calls upon the UN to recognize the difference between business interest NGOs (BINGOs) and public interest NGOs (PINGOs).
It also calls for the establishment of a code of conduct to manage conflicts of interest between the private sector, which clearly differentiates between policy development and implementation.
The statement comes at a time when Governments are increasingly looking towards adopting ‘partnerships’ with the private sector, such as the UK Government’s Public Health Responsibility Deal.
It states “the policy development stage should be free from industry involvement to ensure a “health in all policies” approach, which is not compromised by the obvious conflicts of interests associated with the food alcohol, beverage and other industries, who are primarily answerable to shareholders”
To read the full statement, click here: