The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE), sometimes called the UK Government’s ‘health watchdog’, has called for the introduction of minimum pricing of alcohol and for consideration to be given to a ban on alcohol advertising. The calls are made in the latest NICE publications:
Public Health Programme Guidance on Alcohol-use disorders: preventing the development of hazardous and harmful drinking.
Download full document here (pdf 452kb).
Also published are guidelines on the clinical management of patients suffering from alcohol use disorders, these guidelines being drawn up for the NHS by The National Clinical Guideline Centre at the request of NICE.
Download the full document here (pdf 2.9mb).
Also available here are most of the background research studies produced to aid formulation of the guidelines.
- Prevention and Early Identification of Alcohol Use Disorders in Adults and Young People
Download (pdf 318kb).
- Modelling to assess the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of public health related strategies and interventions to reduce alcohol attributable harm in England using the Sheffield Alcohol Policy Model version 2.0
Download (pdf 1.4mb).
- Interventions on Control of Alcohol Price, Promotion and Availability for Prevention of Alcohol Use Disorders in Adults and Young People
Download (pdf 1.2mb).
- Screening and Brief Interventions for Prevention and Early Identification of Alcohol Use Disorders in Adults and Young People
Download (pdf 2.4mb).